Monday, March 10, 2008

How about a Podcast about Blogs?

NPR has done a series of stories - now available as streaming audio (not really a podcast). The term "Web log," which was then shortened to "blog," was born 10 years ago. Blogs have made their mark on American culture, especially on politics. In this series, NPR looks at the blogosphere's evolution, as well as who blogs, the language and culture of blogs and how blogs are changing our lives.

Blogging Becomes More Mobile
December 28, 2007 · New "microblogging" tools give people the ability to post short blogs — just a sentence long. A new generation of tools lets users publish audio and video blogs simply by using their cell phones, which means people can blog from almost anywhere and at any time.

Blogs Scoured for Book Deals
December 27, 2007 · Blogs can rocket ordinary people into sudden notoriety and fame as some book and talent agents trawl blogland to find the next big thing. Dawn Meehan, a stay-at-home mom, started blogging about the everyday rigors of family life and got thousands of readers and a book deal.

Blogs Become Serious Business
December 26, 2007 · Blogs matter more than ever — to political candidates, to a colonel managing a war, to human-rights advocates trying to deliver their message. Two experts discuss the growing impact of blogs.

The Big Book of Blogs
December 25, 2007 · Are all blogs just scattered rantings and mundane diaries? Reporter and critic Sarah Boxer trawled the Web for solid examples of blog writing and assembled them in a book, Ultimate Blogs: Masterworks from the Wild Web.

'Web Log' Celebrates 10th Anniversary
December 24, 2007 · Ten years ago, the phrase "Web log" — which was then shortened to "blog" — was born. Now there are more than 100 million blogs, and about 100,000 new blogs are created daily.

Learning to Embrace My Inner Blogger
December 24, 2007 · Blogger Andy Carvin writes about his experience keeping an online journal, and how the tools have changed over the years, resulting in the explosive growth of the blogosphere.

Timeline: The Life of the Blog
December 24, 2007 · Personal journals and professional logs, concepts rooted in ancient times, are two types of precursors to the modern blog. Read a timeline tracking the development of the blog as we know it today.

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