#4 - RSS, News Feeds & Newsreaders
Learning Objectives
- Learn about RSS (Really Simple Syndication).
- Be able to subscribe to a feed and use a newsreader/news aggregator.
- RSS in Plain English (tutorial on YouTube)
Skills Practice
- Locate a few library related blogs and/or news feeds and subscribe to them using a free newsreader (like Bloglines or Google Reader).
- Locate a few RSS feeds that interest you personally and subscribe to them.
Experience Sharing
- Share your library related feeds with the hcplc=Lib2.0 blog.
- Share your experience with RSS feeds on your 2.0 Learning blog - What is the feed address for your blog?
- How would you use RSS in the library?
- Library Technology Reports (July/August, 2006) - "RSS."
- "RSS" - on Wikipedia.
- SirsiDynix Institute. "Free Your Content? RSS for Libraries."
- Check out the blog, RSS4Lib.