Monday, March 31, 2008

#7 - Wikis & Social Networking

...or “How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love MySpace”

Learning Objectives

Skills Practice

  • Browse Wikipedia or any other library related Wiki (hint: search Google with "library wiki" and check out the results).
  • Be bold, be one with the collaborative masses - edit a Wiki entry!
  • Browse MySpace and see how libraries are using it to reach out to its online customers.

Experience Sharing

  • Discuss - by commenting on the hcplc=Lib2.0 blog- how Wikis and social networking Web sites could be used by the library as information resources.


  1. Library Technology Reports (July, August, 2006) - "Wikis."
  2. Pew Internet & American Life Project, “Wikipedia Users.”
  3. Pew Internet & American Life Project, “Social Networking Websites and Teens: An Overview.”
  4. Caroline Middlebrook, "The Big Juicy Twitter Guide."
  5. OCLC Report: "Sharing, Privacy & Trust in Our Networked World." (2007)
  6. Social Networking GOD: 350+ Social Networking Sites (at
  7. SirsiDynix Institute, "Wiki: The Ultimate Tool For Online Collaboration."
  8. Marshall Poe, “The Hive, Can Thousands of Wikipedians be Wrong?”

  9. "Learning 2.0: What's in a Wiki?" by Helene Blowers

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