Monday, April 14, 2008

#8 - Peer Services: Comments, Ratings & Reviews

Learning Objectives

Skills Practice

  • Visit and post a comment/rating for a book that you have read recently.
  • Locate few Web sites that allow user driven comments and reviews
  • Visit LibraryThing and catalog some of your own books online, comment on someone elses personal collection.

Experience Sharing

  • Discuss your experiences by posting to your 2.0 Learningblog.
  • How could this type of participation be applied in the library?


  1. "United We Find." The Economist (March 12, 2005)
  2. Neal Wyatt, 2.0 for Readers (Library Journal 11/1/2007)
  3. Pew Internet & American Life Project, "The Use of Online Reputation and Rating Systems."
  4. How's Recomendations Work and the Amapedia.
  5. Squidoo at
  6. Epionions at
  7. and Travelocity

  8. "Learning 2.0: LibraryThing" by Helene Blowers

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