Friday, January 25, 2008

2.0 Alphabet

is for Connotea, "free online reference management for all researchers, clinicians and scientists" (e.g., social bookmarking for researchers). Developed for the scientific community, it "knows about" scholarly science journals and Web sites.

"Unlike many of the other well-known tools, Connotea is aimed primarily at scientists (though the user community is rapidly growing throughout academic disciplines), and while users may bookmark any webpage they choose, it incorporates special functionality for certain academic resources. Connotea recognises a number of scientific websites and will automatically collect metadata for the article or page being bookmarked, including author and publication names. It is also possible to add non-recognised webpages, by manually entering information." [from Wikipedia]

Web 2.0 Alpbahet:Part 1 (letters A - M) were originally published in Information Today 24.9 (Oct 2007): p.17(2).

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