Thursday, February 28, 2008

Finding RSS Feeds

Now that you've been exploring news feeds, you might wonder - "how do I find more?" or "does my favorite web site have one?"

Internet Explorer 7 (standard throughout the library) looks for feeds, also known as RSS feeds, on every webpage you visit. When it finds available feeds, the Feeds button, located on the Internet Explorer toolbar, will change from gray to orange.

To view available feeds...
On the Internet Explorer toolbar, click the Feeds button .
If multiple feeds are available, you'll see a list of available feeds. Select the feed you want to view. When you click the feed, you'll see a page displaying a list of items (topics and articles) you can read and subscribe to. Copy the URL to your feed reader to subscribe.

What formats do Feeds come in? The most common formats are RSS and Atom. Feed formats are constantly being updated with new versions. Internet Explorer supports RSS 0.91, 1.0, and 2.0, and ATOM .3, 1.0. All web feed formats are based on XML (Extensible Markup Language), a text-based computer language used to describe and distribute structured data and documents.

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