Friday, December 28, 2007

hcplc=Lib 2.0

Let the training begin...

Now that we have been teasing you with some 2.0 ‘concepts’ (euphemism for toys), you’re probably wondering – “How’s this training going to work?” and “How do I participate?”

Here’s how:
Starting the week of January 7th, ALL library staff will be invited to begin the hcplc=Lib 2.0 training program. You will be asked to spend about 15 minutes every other day – more if you have the time – looking at the bi-weekly workbook topic, following some of the tutorials and readings, exploring the ‘toys’ associated with the topic and posting your thoughts and findings to the training blog by using the comments feature.

During the course of the training, you will be creating your own blog as your personal workbook for the training. This will be your space to experiment, track, and show off your training progress. You will also be able to look at the blogs of the other participants, see how they’re doing and leave comments.

Take a few minutes over the coming week and look at the sections of the hcplc=Lib 2.0 training blog. The sections of the hcplc=lib 2.0 Workbook are already posted for you to peek ahead.

While doing your tour of the blog, pay special attention to:
- The About hcplc=Lib 2.0 section of the workbook. It will provide many answers to your questions about program.
- The Library 2.0 Blogroll which has a few 2.0 oriented blogs to get you started.
- The Keeping Current listing of research tips and information sites.

Once we begin the training program you will see the appropriate workbook section as the daily blog post, followed by other posts and instructions focused on the topic.

Still have questions about the training? There’s a link to ask questions about the mechanics of the training program at the bottom of the hcplc=Lib 2.0 Workbook links.

Please remember, the main goals of this training are:
-encourage exploration of Web 2.0/Library 2.0 concepts and new technologies by staff.
-provide staff with new tools (that are freely available on the Internet) to better support the library's mission to have “a network of free libraries with open access, a community focus, welcoming environments, a broad range of relevant materials in a variety of formats, and highly qualified, customer-focused employees.”
-And to have some FUN!

Hey, don't forget to take the How 2.0 R U? survey - 70 of your co-workers already have ;)

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